I played football for three years in high school. A couple of the guys on the team hated me., My junior year during practice I was knocked unconscious by one particularly angry student THREE SEPERATE TIMES; my senior year he did it twice. The line coach? “Smelling salts and walk it off.”
Needless to say, CTE was a thing, clear back in the ‘80s. From my youth, my reading comprehension was abysmal, but starting college - I had little to know short-term meory. So, not only could I not comprehend what I read, I couldn’t remember anything - or keep the memories of anything I studied - in my brain long enough to do well on any tests!
After my neurorestoration, I learned how to read to comprehend. That was shocking and miraculous. But even more than that, I entered a new field of study and was able to finally remember what I was learning! I’m living my job and loving my life. Give Larry a call; give this a chance!
My name is Jake. I live in northern Utah. When I was five, my parents and I got struck by a train in the cold of winter. I ended up in a coma for several months, and I survived. Sadly, my mother did not. While in the coma, the doctors said that if I ever came out of the coma I would possibly be a vegetable. My skull had been crushed and they had to do extensive reconstructive surgery. When I finally came out of the coma, I started smiling and responding to people. That was good news.
I spent the next 25 years, though, struggling. As you can see in the picture I had to wear a helmet when I was younger; kids made fun of me. Along with many other things, my vision was affected by the damage and I was never able to do "normal things" like ride a bike or play sports. Also, I wasn’t really able to learn beyond basic reading and math. As I grew into adulthood, my self-image and self-esteem had bottomed out.
When I was 30-ish years old, still living with my family, I went to a presentation at the Logan Library and listened to and learned about what Larry might be able to do to help me. I was hopeful; could NeuroRestoration be the answer to hundreds of prayers? I still couldn't drive. I hated my job. I hadn't ever dated. My outlook was bleak, to say the least. There were so many other things - that people take for granted - that I couldn't do, until Larry.
Larry worked a long time to turn on all the parts of my brain that had been turned off in the accident. After working for two or three days, initially, then on and off for several weeks, I was able to learn to: catch a ball, ride a bike, speak more clearly and read & write more easily. After more NeuroRestoration, within months, I was able to learn to drive, get a better job, buy a truck, MOVE OUT OF MY PARENT'S HOME, date and eventually marry!
Call Larry, now. See how he can help you or somebody you love!