the testimonials on this page have been created in audio for one's listening pleasure
“I got Taycies report card today. It was awesome. So, thank you again, so much. It’s funny; at parent/teacher conference her teacher asked what happened to Taycie, because she’s not the Taycie from last quarter. They tested her reading just before Christmas and she was reading 86 wpm and two weeks later when they came back from the break (after you worked on her) she read 108 wpm, so she is getting there. But the biggest improvement is the {lack of} drama; it’s wonderful; she doesn’t cry over everything! That accident sure set her back, but because of NeuroRestoration I have my little girl back!”
"Despite my struggles with school, I had a really fun childhood, and I was perceived as happy-go-lucky. I felt loved and safe all my life. With that said, I dropped out in my freshman year of high school and went to work full time. Up until then, I was pushed through the system - undiagnosed with dyslexia until I was in middle school. By that time, though, I had had such a bad experience with school that it was too late. Thirty years went by with me mostly working construction; then I found Larry. It’s been 4 years since he worked on me, among other things my reading comprehension/retention has made an incredible improvement, and testing is no longer a problem. I can attribute my ability of obtaining my contractor’s license last year to the NeuroRestoration. At 49, I now have my own business with a bright future and a nice plan for retirement!"