I was a mess. I returned from Afghanistan - where I served as an Army Ranger - to my wife and three children, and started looking for work. I was dissatisfied and restless.
My sleep patterns were all screwed up as well, but I thought I could just fight through that. If I go to bed at a normal time and wake up at a normal time, my body will get used to it, I thought. But, man, I thought wrong. I got a prescription to help me sleep.
I had never been a drinker, but I started to drink at night because it became an easy way to get to sleep - to just pass out!
Unable to find a job, I started getting into fights with my wife. Within weeks, I filed for divorce and moved out of state - leaving my three kids with my her. Thank goodness my mom (I was now living with her and my dad) knew about NeuroRestoration!
I was totally skeptical, but I had nothing to lose but my life. I was totally drained physically, mentally and emotionally; then I met Larry and consented to have him work on my brain.
After, things started to look up; it was crazy, but amazing. I was able to start thinking clearly. Larry figured out that I had some other problems and that I needed to see a doctor for - some things he couldn't fix - that had changed in me while I was in Afghanistan.
Over the last two years, though, I got my life back because of Larry. I sought forgiveness from my wife, we remarried. She and my kids have all had NeuroRestoration and our lives are even better than before I went to war.
I honestly wanted to join my daughter in heaven; my mom is the reason I’m still among the living.
When my daughter died, I couldn’t find a way to live; neither could my wife, initially.
My wife is a MUCH stronger person than I am. She found the strength (over several months) to get her wits about her and begin, again, to participate in life. I couldn’t.
Nobody knew how bad it was getting for me because I was still working. My job was online, from home, so I could lose myself in the work and ignore the pain (for an hour or more at a time). But my daughter’s death was all-consuming, and work was only eight hours a day.
I live in the same community as most of my relatives. There were people that I needed to know would be okay after I was gone. Going and visiting with some of them made my curious mom stop and think.
She called Larry. She knew of him because he had worked on one of my cousins (who had ADHD) and convinced me to get an initial assessment. I did it because, in reality, I was oblivious, had mentally checked out, and my mom scheduled and drove me to the appointment; I'll be forever grateful.
I started feeling better even within hours of Larry working on me. If you’re suicidal, PLEASE at least get a free assessment with Larry. He rewired my brain; I’m LIVING proof that NeuroRestoration works!
Today I can finally tell you the benefits of NeuroRestoration.
My background is that I was born in 1940 in Europe, so my early childhood was unhealthy and full of fear. My father was killed and I never knew anything of my mother. I was raised in an orphanage until the end of the war, when I ended up in West Germany - it was a difficult, scary time for a 6-year-old refugee. I was adopted by a young German couple - having never really known what a “family” even was. I grew up shedding tears of rejection - I never felt wanted by my “new parents”, my friends and I were forced to sit on the back row at school, and were spanked by nuns at their pleasure.
At 19 I went to an Art Academy, then a textile school; in 1963 I left Frankfurt and headed to New York City. Laborer, bride, mother, divorcé, single mother, alone. These many years later I had become paranoid around people, my memory had severely diminished, and my physical stability – my balance - was way off.
A friend encouraged me to try Brain Integration. Oh, and what a difference it has made. Now I can express myself as happy, healthy –almost feeling young again – and enjoying life.
Now, in my 80’s, I am balanced in body, mind and soul, creating new, happy healthy memories as a Senior Citizen. What a Love of Life I have. I can truly not only attest to, but recommend anyone to receive NeuroRestoration – to open new avenues of one’s mind at any stage of life.