When very young I was diagnosed with a dyslexia disorder known as Irlen Syndrome, also know as scotopic sensitivity syndrome. Reading was always difficult because when I would focus on a page of words, the spaces between letters would appear as rivers running down the page. As I would begin reading the words would then begin swirling like looking down the eye of a tornado. I was a poor reader at best. I was especially fearful to read aloud to anyone.
Two days after my NeuroRestoration was completed, I had to teach a Sunday School class; one that I teach once a month. I was not nearly as scared as I was before NeuroRestoration. I felt fear, but I didn’t feel it come out like it would have before; I felt more calm; it was amazing. The best part was that the rivers and swirls were gone. I was able to read to the whole class without any trouble.
As I was reading, and preparing to teach the class, I read more in that little amount of time than I had ever before. Not only could I read faster than I ever have, I could understand it! I read aloud in class and I understood it! That had just never happened! I’m a bit freaked out, in shock and am still in a state of amazement, but I am thrilled!
I was born before WWII. Nobody but my wife knew I was illiterate, not even my kids. I built a successful business because I knew what I was doing and my wife knew how to write it down.
When I was a kid at school, a teacher gave me a book with chapters and chapters of words to learn to spell. I couldn't, but I carried that book with me through the years. Multiple jobs, homes, lifetimes, I always held on to that book.
After Larry left, having finish the brain work he did, I WAS ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THOSE SYMBOLS (the alphabet) for the first time in 78 years! At a follow-up visit - six weeks later - I was able to show Larry that I'd learned and memorized EVERY WORD in that book, all 270! That led to all the other words I'd always wanted to read.
Larry says I went from a crusty old man (when we met) to the happiest Santa on earth. It's true because I CAN READ AND WRITE!!!
So, to explain: Many letters for her (vowels more often than consonants - e’s and a’s) would just “float” randomly to somewhere else on the page, and/or combine with the same letter from another word (like in the above example the e’s in hello and very or the e’s in the word “here”, the two p’s in the word “happy” may merge, all the a’s and n’s may merge making “banana” “ban”, and the o! in the word “hello!” merging to become the letter d).
Sometimes a whole word would jump to another place on the page (like the am and the how in the above example) and letters would turn on their side like the m in "am" to a3 and the h in "how" to Jow – with the h as a capital J laying on its side...
Sometimes, depending on the font or a person’s handwriting that she was reading, the letters would take a shape, like the “glasses” she may see in the word about (the stem of the "b" falling down on to the "o" and the letter t in the word “turned”- in her mind - becoming an airplane. The letters may become a number – an s becoming a 2, or a 2 becoming a greek “omega” symbol or as she called it, a “fish-like” symbol.
Look at the symbol that makes up the c and the e in the word "slice", as another example, or the H in the word “here”.
Many brainwaves weren’t connecting or “firing” correctly, but the brainwaves that were connected were always attempting to make sense of what her eyes were viewing. You’ll be happy to know that since completing NeuroRestoration she can now look at it all and see it like you and me!